wmlaptop screenshot wmlaptop screenshot wmlaptop screenshot wmlaptop screenshot wmlaptop screenshot wmlaptop screenshot

The Latest Version is: 1.4

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wmlaptop is a WindowMaker dockapp able to satisfy any requirements of a linux user with a laptop. The smartest should have easily guessed that wmlaptop includes an advanced battery information interface, including an indicator which estimates the remaining battery autonomy. Anyway this is only one of the useful functions provided:

* Battery estimated time remaining
* Multi Batteries support
* Battery remaining charge (visual and percent)
* Auto-Frequency Scaling
* Manual Frequency Scaling
* 0-100 Cpu Load indicator
* APM and ACPI support
* sysfs and /proc filesystems support
* Kernel 2.6 series fully compatible
* Visual support for multiple batteries
* "Visual and audio" alarm on Low-Battery
* Auto shutdown on Low-Battery
* Easy screen saver starter
* Console executable
* Longrun Transmeta Cpu support
wmlaptop e' una dockapp di WindowMaker che include tutto cio' di cui ha bisogno un utente linux con un portatile. I piu' acuti avranno indovinato che wmlaptop include una avanzata interfaccia informativa riguardo lo stato della/e batteria/e, con stima del tempo residuo di carica. ma questa e' solo una delle utili funzioni fornite da wmlaptop:

* Stima del tempo residuo di carica della batteria
* Supporto multi batteria
* Indicatore batteria residua (visuale e in percentuale)
* Frequency Scaling automatico (in base al carico)
* Frequency Scaling manuale
* 0-100 indicatore carico della cpu
* Supporto per APM e ACPI
* Supporto per sysfs e /proc filesystem
* Pienamente compatibile con la serie 2.6 del kernel
* Supporto visuale per piu' batterie
* Allarme "video e audio" per batteria scarica
* Auto shutdown con batteria scarica
* Screen saver attivabile con pulsante destro del mouse
* Eseguibile da console
* Supporto per Longrun Transmeta Cpu
download latest version (11 Set 2004):
See sourceforce download page here


In 21.06.2007 I received a patch to use wmlaptop with ondemand frequency governor. I'm unable to test it but you can download it here.

Here some new screenshot of wmlaptop 1.4 + patch:
wmlaptop screenshot wmlaptop screenshot
Here there is another untested patch I received for wmlaptop 1.3 to make it support more than one CPU. Click here to download.


- Giacomo Galilei (code and a bit of graphics)

- Lorenzo Marcon (graphics and a bit of code)

Our emails are "$name.$surname@gmail.com"

Perugia (Italy), December 29, 2003

This project is released under GNU GPL license

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